Vision: To transform lives for Christ through a ministry with families in transition by providing housing, spiritual guidance, and other support as identified by each family together with the ministry team.
Pekin first is Reaching Our Community (R.O.C.) by building a duplex to help people in transition with stable housing. The community of Pekin First walks with these families to help with job placement, school enrollment, and spiritual guidance.
Here is a current update on the happenings at Providence Place
Build update - Footings and foundation walls and basement floor have been poured and volunteers will soon be placing insulation board around the perimeter. The flooring system will be installed at the end of August or early September prior to World Mission Builders arrival. If you are able to help, please contact Lindsay Bushong to sign up. Other preparations are moving forward for the duplex to be constructed mid-September. Both skilled and unskilled workers are needed. Please talk about the build in all the spaces you go and invite others to join in! In the coming weeks coordinators will once again be securing host housing for all the out-of-town workers and scheduling meal preparation. Thank you for considering how you will be a part of this ministry!
We have several contractors who are donating or discounting services or materials: Matt Stropes, Standard Heating, American Concrete, Mohr & Kerr, Altorfer, Benassi Roofing
$3500 grant from FUMC Endowment for June meals and housing for build volunteers
Key needs:
Host Homes (see Debbie Helmick or Kay Appell) - Housing volunteers during the build in September
Food and Kitchen (see Sue Flier or Janet Kolves) - Providing Meals during the build in September
A person who will arrange and coordinate a mission project or mission projects for the spouses of our out of town volunteers during the build in September
Build Volunteers for the 2nd week in September. We can use anyone we have a critical need for strong/fit people who can help with the heavy stuff, roof, etc.
Pekin first is Reaching Our Community (R.O.C.) by building a duplex to help people in transition with stable housing. The community of Pekin First walks with these families to help with job placement, school enrollment, and spiritual guidance.
Here is a current update on the happenings at Providence Place
Build update - Footings and foundation walls and basement floor have been poured and volunteers will soon be placing insulation board around the perimeter. The flooring system will be installed at the end of August or early September prior to World Mission Builders arrival. If you are able to help, please contact Lindsay Bushong to sign up. Other preparations are moving forward for the duplex to be constructed mid-September. Both skilled and unskilled workers are needed. Please talk about the build in all the spaces you go and invite others to join in! In the coming weeks coordinators will once again be securing host housing for all the out-of-town workers and scheduling meal preparation. Thank you for considering how you will be a part of this ministry!
We have several contractors who are donating or discounting services or materials: Matt Stropes, Standard Heating, American Concrete, Mohr & Kerr, Altorfer, Benassi Roofing
$3500 grant from FUMC Endowment for June meals and housing for build volunteers
Key needs:
Host Homes (see Debbie Helmick or Kay Appell) - Housing volunteers during the build in September
Food and Kitchen (see Sue Flier or Janet Kolves) - Providing Meals during the build in September
A person who will arrange and coordinate a mission project or mission projects for the spouses of our out of town volunteers during the build in September
Build Volunteers for the 2nd week in September. We can use anyone we have a critical need for strong/fit people who can help with the heavy stuff, roof, etc.